
  • Potholes Archivado
    625 Orange St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Bishop-Hine
    Since January 10th, 60 feet of asphalt chunks near the intersection of Orange and Bishop remain in the street - on the right side of Bishop heading towards State.
    Sunken portions of the road all along this area.
    A call to Public Works advised placing a post to SeeClickFix.
  • 115–139 Bishop St New Haven CT 06511, United States - Bishop-Hine
    This biker travels up Bishop Street at an insanely high speed. The bike flies from State to Whitney.
    It has an extremely louwhine, and yellow/green wheels. Needless to say, this is is wildly dangerous to kids, pedestrians, or even anyone getting out of a parked car.- a