Astoria-LIC border

Problemi aperti: 1 Problemi chiusi: 3 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-01-10

Avvisato su

  • 8-17 36th Avenue New York, New York - Astoria-Long Island City
    The power plant gas vents in this area release strong gas fumes into the surrounding neighborhood which smells awful and is probably a health violation.
  • 21st St New York, NY - Astoria-Long Island City
    I think it's coming from the White Castle on 21st Street and 31st Drive... at all times of the night, there is a voice that yells something on a loudspeaker. It seems like it's an automated response to something, but it seems to go off for no apparent reason. The volume should be cut in half, or it should be eliminated. It's just useless noise pollution.
  • Elberon Blvd Wilson ave - Astoria-Long Island City
    no stop signs
  • 35-34 21st Street Astoria, NY - Astoria-Long Island City
    15 year old refrigerator short circuited causing electrical fire at 3am. Luckily we caught the fire in time to overt further disaster and damage! 73 year old woman lives in this apartment! Refrigerator Needs immediate replacement by NYCHA! Appliance is still a danger to use! Please notify right away... Thank you!