Brook Park Mayor's Office

Problemi aperti: 3 Problemi chiusi: 1 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2013-11-10

Avvisato su

  • 5774 Smith Road Brookpark, Ohio - Brook Park
    Lots of high bumps in the southbound lane between Hummel & Snow Roads.
  • 5395 Smith Road Brookpark, Ohio - Brook Park
    Graffiti on the traffic light box at Smith and Commerce Park.
  • Potholes Archived
    Snow And Fry Brook Park, OH - Brook Park
    Potholes in intersection and several leading up to the I71 entrance ramp
  • Pothole Open
    15611 Meigs Blvd Brook Park, OH - Brook Park
    There is a nasty pothole at the end of my driveway. It is in the street itself. I am unable to avoid this pothole when I enter and exit the driveway.