Royal Carting

Problemi aperti: 2 Problemi chiusi: 0 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2009-12-16

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  • 19 Cliff St Beacon, NY, 12508, USA - Beacon
    The yard at this property is deplorable! Most in the city take pride in their property and are concerned with their neighbors. The trash in tis yard is an eyesore and has an adverse impact on the surrounding properties, not to mention safety. People pay good money to live in this area and want to be proud of their homes. They should not be subject to junk around them making them look bad. I hope the city takes a look and takes action!!!
  • Main Street Beacon Ny Beacon, New York - Beacon
    I've noticed that the Main Street trash cans are overflowing these days, and disgustingly filthy. With increased tourism it seems the level of emptying and cleaning has become inadequate. Either the City or an alliance of Main Street Merchants should do something. The overflow is being blown into the streets, also.