Chattanooga Stand

Problemi aperti: 2 Problemi chiusi: 1 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2009-10-21

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  • 1626 South Market Street Chattanooga, Tennessee - Chattanooga
    Two aspects of the same issue: vehicular traffic in the area moves to quickly to properly yield to pedestrians.
    Better signage (flashing lights, etc.) is needed to help ensure the school zone speed limit is respected. The crossing guard fights a losing battle every day on that stretch of road. In afternoons, the Howard school bus driver who drops off students at this intersection (after the crossing guard is gone) also struggles to ensure cars stop, frantically honking to try to get drivers' attention. Every day I've seen it, students are almost hit as they cross the road after school. Flashers (as seen further down Market) would be a significant improvement.
  • 1609 Mitchell Ave Chattanooga, TN 37408 - Chattanooga

    When it rains, a 10-foot long stretch of sidewalk on the corner of Mitchell and E. 16th is completely flooded.

    My neighbors are forced to walk into the street, to avoid the puddle. It is a drainage issue and the water is always very muddy, from the run-off.

  • 130 E. Main St. Chattanooga Tn - Chattanooga

    The sidewalk in front of the abandoned structure on the corner of Mitchell and E. Main St. is damaged.

    There is a dangerous gap between the sidewalk and the pit inside of the building structure. There is also a large amount of glass/debris.