Nashville West / Beacon Square

Problemi aperti: 0 Problemi chiusi: 7 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2011-10-21

Nashville West and Wal-Mart commercial and Beacon Square residential areas.

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  • 6826 Charlotte Pike Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN - Hillwood Estates
    This is an old hotel and bar/restaurant that has been closed for several years now. There is lots of graffiti on the sign that still stands next to the w/b side of Charlotte Pike, and on the barricade that blocks access to the property. One can also see lots of graffiti on the old bar building (former location of the Crow's Nest). It also appears that this building has been seriously vandalized. I think that the City of Nashville should attempt to force the property owner to raize the entire site.
  • Litter Archived
    391-3745 Annex Ave Nashville, TN 37209, USA - Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan
    There is lots of litter on this section of Annex Drive, especially underneath the I-40 overpass.
  • Litter Archived
    7274-7506 Cabot Dr Nashville, TN 37209, USA - Whites Bend
    There is a lot of litter along both sides of this section of Cabot Drive between Charlotte Pike and the River Wood Apartment complex.
  • 7504 Cabot Dr Nashville, TN - Whites Bend
    workers on the wooded property added a culvert and gravel for a temporary drive but also crushed part of the side walk making a large hole.
  • 6820 Charlotte Pike Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan, TN - Hillwood Estates
    The old Horizon building beside target has many broken windows and graffiti. Looks terrible.
  • Litter Archived
    6500-6570 Cabot Dr Nashville, TN 37209, USA - Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan
    There is a lot of litter in this section of Cabot Drive.
  • 6830 Charlotte Pike Nashville Tn - Hillwood Estates
    Now that the Nashville West Mall has been completed the lane that ends going east on Charlotte Pike needs to be remarked so there will be 2 lanes. Currently the left one merging into the right & the traffic bottlenecks at that point.