
Problemi aperti: 104 Problemi chiusi: 79 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2011-07-24

Inner SE

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  • 39 Th Se Crest Ct Portland, OR - Center
    @#$% covering toilet paper roll, toilet seat an mirror today. In the past there has been toilet paper soaked with urine, floors saturated with urine and fecal matter on mirror at one point. I was assaulted by a homeless man in this bathroom once. Luckily I had pepper spray and was able to avoid becoming a statistic
  • 101 399 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97232, USA - Kerns
    The bike lane is still dangerous for a number of reasons (less-than-ideal curve, poor drainage, and now a rough surface where the old striping was ground off). It would be much better to widen the sidewalk and simply stripe a cycle track onto what is currently the sidewalk. Ramps could be added just like on the Hawthorne Bridge.
  • 1207 Se Hawthorne Portland, OR 97214, USA - Buckman
    Late night food court mall built of trailers and make shift structures tents and looks like a homeless village fire pits and keg parties on a regular basis. Resulting in drunk drivers playing bumper cars and alcohol infused fights, yelling matches from 11pm to 4 am daily
  • Fruit Seller Archived
    2820 Se 8th Ave Portland, OR - Hosford
    Guy selling fruit on corner is getting in the way of traffic.
  • 3901-3999 Ne Halsey St Portland, OR 97232, USA - Roseway
    Drivers in both right turn lanes turning right onto 39th all looking left to check for openings. They are not looking right for pedestrians crossing on crosswalk. Most cars will inch into crosswalk as well to try for a better view. I have almost been hit on several occasions.
  • 1501-1563 Ne 42nd Ave Portland, OR 97213, USA - Roseway
    Cars that are turning right and the bus that goes straight here are not aware of the bikes that are supposed to go straight through to continue along the bike Boulevard. I almost got hit by a bus even after I had made eye contact and waved to the driver that I was there.
  • 3135 3299 Se 21st Ave Portland, OR - Hosford
    The sign formerly mounted on a pole on the west side of SE 21st reading "Parking One Hour" (southward to intersection of SE 21st and Powell) is missing; since the other sign of the pair is still posted at Powell, it erroneously indicates that the entire west side of SE 21st north of Powell is one-hour parking.
  • Blind spot Archived
    3901-4199 Ne Senate St Portland, OR 97213, USA - Center
    Cars need to have a stop sign or a speed bump to slow down traffic. Pedestrians coming around the corner can't see the cars and visa versa. The cars drive too fast too close to the curb here.
  • Damage Archived
    Se Martin Luther King Jr Blvd & Se Morrison St Portland, OR, 97214, USA - Buckman
    Someone has broken off the door to this maintenance service door. Lock was noticed missing and it was sitting on the ground. The door in question
  • 1412 Se 12th Ave Portland, OR 97214, USA - Buckman
    Every day people hit this suck'r and limp away with a flat tire...
  • 4333-4399 Se Division St Portland, OR, 97206, USA - Richmond
    Thanks to thousands of dump truck trips up and down Division street Division has been turned into a craggy, pothole filled mess. Please feel free to charge the developers along this stretch and further West along Division $ to fix this stretch of road. Thank you!
  • 6016 6020 Ne Willow St Portland, OR - Center
    Unmarked crosswalk across onramp invites drivers to ignore heavy foot traffic surrounding MAX stop.