OTL News Cypress

Problemi aperti: 0 Problemi chiusi: 2 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2009-09-16

City of Cypress, CA, for "On The Line" news

Avvisato su

  • 6241 Barbados Avenue Cypress, California - Cypress
    I've noticed a continuous flow of water draining out (appears to be clean water) since Friday afternoon into the Drain between Katella and Orangewood, ~ 500 ft east of Valley View. (See map for approx. location)
    last check yesterday afternoon - The water flow has not minimized.
    I also left a voicemail for Cypress Public Works.
  • 6462 Cantiles Ave Cypress, California - Cypress
    The street light at this address is on Day and night and has been that way for several months