Asbury Park

Problemi aperti: 8 Problemi chiusi: 5 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-10-27

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  • 18 S Main St Ocean Grove, NJ 07756, USA - Asbury Park
    What ever Happened to the dredging Asbury park and Neptune were going to perform, also, where is the trash collectors and aerators! This lake use to and still could be a jewel!
  • 810 Monroe Ave Asbury Park, NJ 07712, USA - Asbury Park
    The street lights in the parking area along the tracks, between summerfield and Monroe are out. There are birds living in the light. It is dark and because of this our cars are constantly getting broken into.
  • Prospect & Bangs - Asbury Park
    I've lived in Asbury Park for over ten years and I have never seen any crasyness like this summer. Every street that I turn to in the town the pavement is pulled up and all you are left with is a bumpy ride which has messed up my tires and the bottom of my car. HURRY UP AND FIX THIS
  • Main Street Asbury Park - Asbury Park
    Roaming potholes along Main Street In Asbury Park NJ
  • 414 Asbury Avenue Asbury Park, New Jersey - Asbury Park

    I am so grateful for this! I have a broken foot in a canvas surgical shoe... I need to go to work Friday morning and I can't dig my car out myself. It isn't bad yet, but we're expecting more snow. 95 tan Honda Accord on Asbury Ave next to the park, first spot by Grand Ave.


  • 810 Monroe Ave Asbury Park, NJ - Asbury Park
    The storm sewers in the area where monroe intersects the train tracks (just east of Memorial Dr.) are clogged with garbage? debris?. Now, when it rains heavily, it floods badly. Cars at that location may be sitting in 1-2 feet of water within 10 minutes of a t-storm. Also, the water goes right up to the door of our apartment building. 3 times now I have had to wade in knee deep nastly flood water during a lightning storm (not safe!) to move my car so the water won't go into my exhaust system or otherwise ruin it. This only just started happening recently, so please, no "flooding happens all the time down the shore" comments. Please Asbury DPW, clear out the storm sewers at Monroe and the tracks before someone's car gets flood damaged. Thank you.
  • 5th Street asbury park, nj - Asbury Park

    On June 30, 2010 I drove to Asbury Park to watch the Wednesday night fireworks. I parked in what appeared to be space 768, put 75 cents in the parking machine, and put the receipt on the dashboard. The 75 cents would have taken me to 9:16 PM - parking is free after 9 PM.

    When I returned to my car, there was a parking ticket on the windshield. I had apparently parked in space 766, not 768. In the photo it is hard to tell. The space to my left was 767. However, one would think that the parking spaces would be numbered from left to right - 765, 766, 767, 768. They're not - so I received a ticket. So I paid 75 cents to park and now have to pay $34 for a parking ticket. So in effect, I could, of course, take the day off (and waste a vacation day) to appear in court on the scheduled court date to fight the ticket. But then I would be wasting a vacation day and there is no guarantee I would win. Or I could pay the ticket - in other words - pay $34.75 to park.

    My other recourse is to never ever spend money in Asbury Park again. I could take out on the businesses to make up for the $34 parking overcharge. I would suggest that Asbury Park take the $34 overcharge and hire someone to correctly paint the parking space number. Although I would think Asbury Park would rather leave the space as is and hope others make the same innocent mistake I did and then just pay the @#$% fine.

  • 414 Asbury Avenue Asbury Park, New Jersey - Asbury Park

    I am so grateful for this! I have a broken foot in a canvas surgical shoe... I need to go to work Friday morning and I can't dig my car out myself. It isn't bad yet, but we're expecting more snow. 95 tan Honda Accord on Asbury Ave next to the park, first spot by Grand Ave.


  • 1-500main St asbury park, nj - Asbury Park
    This road is one pothole after another, why are they repaving the side roads and not this one first?
  • there are many nasty potholes in front of asbury park h s school on sunset Avenue Asbury Park New Jersey
  • Deal Lake Drive (End Of Of Main St) Asbury Park, NJ - Asbury Park
    There is a good size pothole right next to a manhole cover on Deal Lake Drive Asbury Park. This is located at the beginning of Deal Lake Drive right off Main Street. Not sure if it's been reported yet. Thank you!
  • Sunset Avenue Asbury Park High School Asbury Park / Monmouth County, new Jersey - Asbury Park
    There are many bad potholes in front of the Asbury Park High School on Sunset Avenue.