Division Crosswalk

Problemi aperti: 1 Problemi chiusi: 1 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-07-03

Traffic calming in the South Tabor neighborhood.

Avvisato su

  • 2420 Se 67th Ave Portland, OR 97206, USA - South Tabor
    Trying to cross Division St to get to Mount Tabor is a hair-raising experience. Yesterday I saw two kids have to dash across in order to make it to the other side before the next wave of cars got there. Curb extensions, a raised median, and/or some sort of signalization would really help to connect the South Tabor neighborhood to the park. Converting this portion of Division to one lane in each direction also might help with traffic calming and make the area much more amenable to pedestrians.
  • Clinton Park 5576 SE Division St, Portland, OR, 97206, USA - South Tabor
    "Lock sawed off the outside door- Garbage, Needles and toilet paper all over the women's restroom."