
Problemi aperti: 11 Problemi chiusi: 2 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2017-09-11


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  • 17663 Raley Avenue Lake Elsinore, California - Lakeland Village
    A group of individuals, male & female, have set up a small camp like community. At times there are loud altercations and speculative transactions between members of the camp and drivers of vehicles. Drivers are usually engaged at or near Circle K and directed to the camp.
  • 17600-17698 Nelson Ave Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, USA - Lakeland Village

    I have called RSO many times for the constant illegal trash dumping, homeless encampment and off-roading that poses a fire risk! The Hines party all night long, playing music and causing issues with immediate neighbors. This was an issue years previous and a chain link fence was put up. The chain link was stolen about 6 months ago and ever since, all the problems have come back 10 fold. We want the property owner notified and to have something done about this ASAP.

    Thank you.

  • 33091 Santa Rosa Dr Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, USA - Lakeland Village
    Abandoned car, does not belong to any residents of this community
  • 18660 Grand Ave Lake Elsinore, California, 92530 - Lakeland Village
    Why are there people living in trailers on this property next to a school where there has been so many drug over doses code enforcement has done nothing about this when told to leave the property they hide and come back after they leave why don't they move the trailers off the property they still remain a fifth wheel and two travel trailers
  • 18660 Grand Ave Lakeland Village, CA, 92530, USA - Lakeland Village
    possible meth lab at location 18660 grand constant flow of traffic coming from location people coming and going from location all times of day appear to be high on meth right next to Lakeland village school
  • 33393 Blackwell Blvd Lake Elsinore CA 92530, United States - Lakeland Village

    These guys have been driving up and down our streets for the last 30 minutes. (I have a birds eye view and can see 3 streets down) Drove up my street Blackwell(dead end) twice. I stopped them and asked what their business was. The driver stated that he was “looking for his friend” the passenger said “he’s looking for me, everything is alright”. (Brilliant answers)

    I’ve never seen this SUV, the passenger had a note pad and there’s no reason for them to come up our street... it’s a dirt road and dead ends into the mountain. Be on the lookout neighbors!!

  • 33066 Dowman St Lake Elsinore, California - Lakeland Village

    I want to make a complaint regarding a marijuana dispensary, They have customers driving fast and there is kids playing outside. They are blocking driveways. And the house dose not look like a commercial building. Neighbors are being disrespected.

    The address is

    33020 dowman st
    Lake elsinore ca 92530

  • 17628 Brightman Ave Lake Elsinore, California - Lakeland Village
    The abandoned lot next to my house has over grown grass Becoming a high risk fire hazard. Illegal dumping also occurs during the night.
  • Maiden Lane Lake Elsinore, California - Lakeland Village
    Homeless living on the water in tents
    Trash and belongings need to be moved due to them coming back
  • 32941 Maiden Ln Lakeland Village, CA, 92530, USA - Lakeland Village
    There ar about 15 metal tubs full of oil on my fence line leaking oil out because of rain. There is all kind of trash in my yard that the landlord put there and never picked up they are renting out two garages to people and they live in them I rent a studio from them but it not permitted and it’s full of black mold which they won’t get rid of they only paint over it and when I complained they are threatening me of throwing me out
  • 32973 Marie Drive Lake Elsinore, California - Lakeland Village
    Illegal parking of a commercial vehicle on a residential street
  • 17528 Arch Way Lakeland Village, CA, 92530, USA - Lakeland Village
    I will be calling tomorrow 11/16, code enforcement to tag this vehicle for towing. If it is yours move it. You have, I believe 3 days to move it before they come out again and tow it.