
Problemi aperti: 7 Problemi chiusi: 2 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2017-09-09

Panorama (West Highway 10 & Panorama)

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  • 12286 Boundary Dr S Surrey, BC V3X 2C4, Canada - Surrey
  • Pothole Open
    12673 70a Ave Surrey, BC V3W 6G3, Canada - Surrey
    ...due to severe weather conditions this yr...thx
  • Bsc West Newton - Surrey
    This truck was double parked for more than 15 minutes blocking cars trying to leave parking spots. Manager of the gym was notified by one of the unhappy drivers and was berated and insulted by him.
  • 12904 60 Avenue Surrey, British Columbia - Surrey
    We need recurring speeding enforcement on 60th Ave between 128 and 130. This is a 30 km zone but rarely do you see drivers complying. At the same time, also need enforcement for excessive noise for "punked up cars" in the same area. Most often 1800-1930 hours (for some reason). Cars with modifications to mufflers come out of/return to 129th access off of 60th. They come screaming out of that intersection onto 60th. There are 4 cars specifically. Recently saw 'racing' with two of these cars travelling EB taking both NB and EB lanes. SOOOOOO dangerous and recurring.
  • 5957 126 St Surrey, BC, V3X 1V9, CAN - Surrey
    I live near this park. I use this park regularly. This kind of dumping has been happening for years here. It brings rats. It's disgusting.
    My suggestion is trail cams. Once you have caught a few people dumping and they are actually charged with it, maybe they will stop.
    People can blame the animals all they want but it comes down to human ignorance.
  • 6074 Boundary Dr W Surrey, BC V3X 2A7, Canada - Surrey
  • 6209 125 St Surrey, BC, V3X 2E1, CAN - Surrey
    Second night in out of the last three nights where loud music has been played after 11 pm
  • 12755 58a Ave Surrey, British Columbia, V3X 3K4, CAN - Surrey
    It is very loud construction work on long weekend early morning. All neighbours are very disturbed.
  • 12179 63 A Ave Surrey, British Columbia, V3X 3G6, CAN - Surrey
    Deceased black and white cat on the road on 124th st near 68 and 124th street intersection