Borough of Bloomingdale

Problemi aperti: 3 Problemi chiusi: 1 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-03-10

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  • snow removal Archived
    609 Startford Dr ann arbor / washtenaw, Michigan - Bloomingdale
    Our street was neither plowed, sanded or salted since the last winter storm early in the week. It remains icy and dangerous with packed snow throughout. I have lived here for 3 years and lived in a number of winter weather communities and I have never experienced such poor care of roads in winter.
  • 290 Springfield Dr Ste 280, Bloomingdale, Illinois, 60108 - Bloomingdale
    Our experienced team at Flex Dental is dedicated to providing our patients with the best dental care in Bloomingdale, IL. Regular dental care is essential to maintain a healthy smile, which is why you need to schedule consistent appointments for your family. Finding a good dentist in Bloomingdale, IL is the best thing that you can do to protect your dental health. You deserve unbeatable service and a caring staff. As you step into our dental office, you will see that we provide a stress-free environment so that you can relax during your appointments. Not only do we offer general dentistry services, but we are experienced with cosmetic dentistry treatments as well. You can choose the dental services that meet your needs, making it easy to create a beautiful, healthy smile.
  • 2087-2099 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, Illinois - Bloomingdale
    pot hole in the intersection of Glen Ellyn and Army Trail
  • 102 Euclid Avenue Bloomingdale, IL 60108, USA - Bloomingdale
    Southbound right lane red light is not functioning at Lakeview/Euclid and US-20.