North Gunbarrel

Problemi aperti: 5 Problemi chiusi: 2 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-02-11

This watch area is dedicated to the traffic congestion at North 63rd Street and Diagonal Highway, created by the new construction project.

Avvisato su

  • 75th And Lookout Boulder, CO - Gunbarrel
    If we could implement a round about at this intersection, we could dramatically reduce congestion and accidents at this location.
  • 4889 White Rock Cir Boulder, CO - Gunbarrel
    Wide (not deep) potholes at the intersection of Gunbarrel Ave and White Rock Cir on the west side of WRC. When driving east on Gunbarrel and turning south onto WRC, the potholes are unavoidable.
  • 4432 Wellington Rd Boulder, Colorado - Gunbarrel
  • North 63rd Street And Diagonal Highway Gunbarrel, CO - Gunbarrel
    A construction project has recently been undertaken to relieve the congestion at the corner of 63rd Street and Highway 119. In doing so, the construction company has shut down two of the three southbound lanes of 63rd Street and has created a daily traffic jam because the light only allows 3 or 4 cars to get through before turning red. A longer light for the southbound lane would help relieve this congestion.
  • Habitat Dr Boulder, Colorado, 80301 - Gunbarrel
    These are just some of the deep, unavoidable potholes on Habitat Dr (there are more on White Rock Circle). These streets look like they’ve been neglected for a decade.
  • 5401-5435 63rd Street Boulder, Colorado - Gunbarrel
    At least 2 of the pedestrian lights fail to turn on in this intersection, or only work some of the time (NW corner and SE corner).
  • 5498 63rd St Boulder, CO 80301, Boulder, Colorado - Gunbarrel
    I have been stuck at this light a couple of times over the past month. The lights cycled a number of times and the northbound light never went green. Other drivers and I needed to run the never-changing red light.