Falls Church City, VA

Problemi aperti: 7 Problemi chiusi: 13 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-02-03

City of Falls Church VA

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  • 322 Park Ave Falls Church, VA - Falls Church
    Busiest residential pedestrian area in Falls Church City: route to the Farmers Market and library. Lack of contiguous sidewalks combined with cars parking on both sides of the street is a deadly combo- people run out of sidewalk mid-block, then cross Park Avenue between parked cars into traffic to get to sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.
  • 213 Gundry Dr Falls Church, VA 22046, USA - Falls Church
    multiple sets of graffiti on big chimney park playground set
  • 131 Great Falls St Falls Church, VA 22046, USA - Falls Church
    Motorists have the hardest time obeying the four way stop signs at N. Maple and Park Avenue, Great Falls Street, etc. I'm not sure if people have just forgotten how to take turns, or if they are confused and think they are at one of the stoplights that are sporadically placed in other areas on those streets, but almost daily I see people blowing through the stop signs. Or worse, stopping but then immediately going, as though they were the only car around. I think the stop signs at these locations need little flashing lights to draw attention to them.
  • 148 Armon Ave Virginia Beach, Virginia - Falls Church
    These items have been in front of the property for over a month now. What has to be done in order for the city to properly dispose of this pile of trash? This is my second report of this problem. I respectfully request something is done to remove it as soon as possible.
  • 312 Park Ave Falls Church, VA 22046, USA - Falls Church
    lots of graffiti in shelter structure at cherry hill park
  • E Broad St Falls Church, VA - Jefferson
    I see a fender-bender or near fender-bender every day here at this intersection. The problem is that there are 4 lanes going through this intersection on eastbound Broad St. (the 2 left lanes go to Wilson and Route 50, the 2 right lanes go to Broad). The painted lane lines end at the stoplight and pick up again after the intersection. I realize that this is typical of intersections, but because of the way Broad St. curves to the left, drivers are inclined to move one lane to the right through the intersection. If you're staying in your rightful lane, you're bound to get run into from the left. I am POSITIVE that some simple hashed lines indicating lanes through the intersection would remedy this.
  • 213 Gundry Dr Falls Church, VA 22046, USA - Falls Church
    the ground at big chimneys park is chronically muddy, and seldom dries
  • Dulles Toll Road On Ramp Falls Church, Virginia - Falls Church
    There are four potholes in the left lane off of the exit 67 on ramp to the Dulles toll road
  • E Broad St Falls Church, VA - Falls Church
    Busy E Broad St (Rt7) has no pedestrian crosswalks and traffic is so heavy you cannot even cross the road to catch the bus or walk to the metro station. This needs to be fixed.
  • Dawes Ave @ N. Chambliss St Alexandria, VA - Falls Church
    Apparently this intersection can't have a 4way stop because Dawes deadends a mile down the road. But there are near misses every day. Can we get a warning sign on N. Chambliss that the Dawes traffic does not stop. That would be a huge help.
  • 104 Norwood Place STERLING, VA - Falls Church

    Need Snow Removal from the "FRONT YARD ONLY" of a Residence in Sterlling, VA. Please provide a cost estimate. Thank you.


  • Snow removal Archived
    3912 Lawrence Ave. kensington, Maryland - Falls Church
    Need cars cleared off and driveway. Also need a path to the trash cans. I have been working on it incrementally.