HBID Ambassador Program

Problemi aperti: 34 Problemi chiusi: 307 Problemi presi in atto: 102
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2015-03-17

HBID Ambassador Program
(Downtown District)
Cleaning and Security Ambassadors

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  • 50-60 Trumbull St Hartford, CT - Downtown
    This is pretty much THE pedestrian gateway between the CBD and Bushnell Park. Like other heavily walked intersections in the city, this one needs an "ALL WALK" in the rotation. Instead you get stuck on a median!
    I tried emailing Raj Mathur in the Engineering Department regarding this matter directly, but got no response so re opening.
  • 699-727 Main St Hartford, Connecticut - Downtown
    This sidewalk hasnt been cleared since before the first storm. I reported this many days ago but cannot find the issue so I am resubmitting in case it didn't go through. This is a well traveled stretch of street as well as a major bus stop. Whether the church or city is responsible needs to be established and someone needs to keep this area safe for pedeatrians.
  • 52 Prospect St Hartford, CT 06103 - Downtown
    Prospect Street between Central Row and Grove is one way going south 6:00 AM until 9:00. Vehicles do a left turn on red onto Grove Street. Very dangerous as north bound vehicles on Prospect need to make right turn and are often cut off by those making a left turn on red.
  • Farmington Ave hartford , CT - Asylum Hill
    pot holes every few feet, and "repaired " road make it worse. Farmington ave is like a war zone, and I'm sure it's incredibly detrimental to all drivers cars. when repairs are made, to gas lines, sewer, man holes etc, it's incredibly unlevel, and I can feel my wallet getting lighter because I don't have 4 wheel drive, and you'd need it to regularly drive this street. I've gone through shocks, struts, breaks and tires in the last year.
  • Pratt St Hartford, CT - Downtown
    There is no bike parking on Pratt Street, even though its our city's most dense street. Let's not add just one bike rack, but a whole stable of racks so that more people will want to bike to the shops and restaurants on Pratt. New Haven just added a bike corral, let's do it too. http://www.newhavenindependent.org/index.php/archives/entry/bike_corral_debuts_downtown/
  • Noisy bird Archived
    2-98 Central Row Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown

    Some kind of bird atop either the Old State House or an adjacent building spends several hours each afternoon squawking VERY loudly. It's nice to have wildlife coexisting with humanity and all that, but this is a bit much. I can hear the %#$@ thing clearly inside my office a block away.

    If it isn't an endangered species, can Animal Control kindly remove this territorial critter to a better habitat?

  • 201-265 Highway 2 Hartford, Connecticut - Downtown
    There is a series of large potholes that are difficult to maneuver around coming from the Founder's Bridge onto Columbus.
  • Pothole Archived
    Columbus Blvd Hartford - Downtown
  • Farmington Ave Hartford, Connecticut - Asylum Hill
    Starting from Prospect and Farmington Ave, all the way to Sigourney and Farmington Ave, the roads have been terrible. The whole street needs to be repaved. The streets feel like a wave, and creates damage to our vehicles. Not to mention that this creates more issues with traffic, since drivers attempt to avoid the potholes and raised structures. It has been an ongoing issue, and HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED. We as residents have to pay high car property taxes, the least you can do is fix Farmington ave.
  • Asylum Hartford, CT - Downtown
    The brownstone wall at union station entrance of Bushnell park was tagged.
  • 300 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, Connecticut - Downtown
    at the exit and the entrance of Founders Bridge(Rt2) where it meets Columbus Blvd, there a many large and deep pot holes. This needs to be address they have been there for nearly a year and are only getting worse.
  • 550 Main Street Hartford, CT 06103, USA - Downtown
    The fountains in front of City Hall are overflowing and there is water all over the plaza, the steps, the lawns adjacent to the fountains, and down onto the sidewalks. There's far too much water flowing far too hard for the capacity of the fountain.