New Haven Harbor

Problemi aperti: 21 Problemi chiusi: 245 Problemi presi in atto: 2
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2010-01-04

A watch area covering all the problems on New Haven Harbor Waterfront

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  • Kimberly Avenue Bridge Between West Haven And New Haven - US Congressional District CT3
    The Kimberly Avenue Bridge connecting West Haven and New Haven is extremely dangerous and makes traveling between the cities by bicycle very difficult. The east-bound traffic heading for the I-95 on ramp treats the right lane as part of that ramp and routinely accelerates to 50+ mph. There is no shoulder, cars cut each other off to gain position, the lane is often littered with broken glass and in the winter, the sidewalk goes uncleared, forcing pedestrians into the road.
  • 40 Sargeant Drive New Haven, CT - Long Wharf

    the comments posted on most of the stories i've read are incredibly offensive on the registers articles. many do nothing to promote dialogue and only attempt to attack people. it is mostly anonymous and negative ranting. it is far from constructive.

    many online news sources require that comments are reviewed by a moderator before they are actually posted.

    does the register not believe that they are responsible for the way that commenters use their site?

  • 2 Waterfront St New Haven, CT 06512, USA - Annex
    Thick smoke appears to be coming from the ship docked at the oil refinery (or maybe the refinery itself) and blowing into New Haven. It seems to be intermittent but incredibly foul smelling.
  • 369-401 Kimberly Avenue West Haven, Connecticut - West Haven

    The City of New Haven recently has added a bike path that connects to the sidewalk on Kimberly Ave bridge. This issue requests that City of West Haven provide a similar path or protected bike lane when entering or leaving West Haven. One option is to widen the sidewalk and make one half dedicated to bicycles. With the development of the new water front mall it would be exciting for us bike bound New Haveners to be able to get right to the water front and the mall. We love you West Haven, love us back!
    -Sincerely Your Neighbors to the North East.

    (PS, I bet a lot of your residents who commute to work in NHV by bike every day would also love you.) Vote it up if you want it fixed!

  • Woodward Avenue East Shore New Haven Ct 06512 - East Shore
    There are NO sidewalks on Woodward Avenue leading to Hannah's Dream, baseball fields & East Shore Park. There is a lot of construction here, why can't these kids get sidewalks to utilize the million dollar projects here?? It's as unsafe as those round a bouts!! UGH! Please help the kids of New Haven be able to use these wonderful parks. THey do no service to the community if the children from local schools & daycares can't access them safely. It's impossiable to walk thru the swampgrass without knee high boots on! The construction trucks have been there daily for a year-throw in some sidewalks!
  • South Water Street New Haven, CT - City Point

    Residents of the City Point neighborhood have noticed an increase in drug dealing and other illegal activity in our neighborhood. At least 3 calls have been made to police regarding this activity which has always involved one specific car. An alert resident finally was able to get the license plate of this particular car and called it into police. The person who answered at dispatch asked what the block watch number for our neighborhood is. The caller did not know. The dispatcher said that without that number, she could not send an officer out. She did NOT send an officer out.

    This is concerning to me--and should be concerning to every New Haven resident. Can someone from the police department please clarify for me that officers will not be sent out--even if the activity is IN PROGRESS-- unless the caller has a block watch number? ( I'd also like clarification as to whether block watch numbers are even used to track calls and allocate officers anymore. I had been told that they were not. In fact, when I have called the police before to report a car break in, the dispatcher would NOT take the block watch number.) I think its important that residents AND dispatchers are made clear on these guidelines.

  • Long Wharf Drive New Haven, Connecticut - Long Wharf

    Long Wharf is absolutely disgusting. I would be embarrassed to advertise it as a ‘paradise’. The loud music, speeding, illegal parking and the trash are ruining a beautiful part of our city. These are pictures I took this morning. The trash cans were empty but there was still trash all over (especially styrofoam containers). And the dumpsters near the food trucks...overflowing. I could imagine the rats that must run around there.

    Sadly, there is also trash floating in the harbor (the same styrofoam containers, drink bottles, etc.) and I saw a dead bird commorant floating in the water yesterday. Today a bird was trying to eat a straw.

    Something needs to be done!!

  • Tomlinson Bridge New Haven, CT - Annex
    Forbes Ave is already used by dozens of bicycle commuters as their primary route between downtown and Annex+East Shore despite the road being completely inhospitable to bicycling. Imagine how much more convenient bicycling would be for thousands of Annex and East Shore residents if Forbes Ave were reduced to one lane in each direction with a center turn-out lane and bike lanes on either side. I hear that the City is tentatively supportive and it is simply a matter of getting DOT onboard. Now that a new administration is coming to Hartford, this sounds significantly more plausible. If you would like to see bike lanes on Forbes Ave, vote for this issue!
  • New Haven, CT - Hill
    This issue has been posted since the late fall of 09'. I know there is lots of construction going on in this area, funding issues, and a host of other issues that are probably take precident over a bike lane. However, we need this more than ever. Safe bike routes will encourage more cyclist to take to the streets for work, pleasure, or to run errands. This is a 200 yard path that needs to be widened and a layer of crushed stone (paved would be delightful). The guard rail need sto be reconfigured to allow bikes through. Having this path allows cyclist to avoid cycling across 5 entrances and exits to the highway. That alone should be a safety concern for everyone involved. How can we look for grants to provide for this short route construction? Who do we need to contact directly? I don't want the entire summer to go by without this issue addressed. I does not seem to be a huge undertaking. Let's work together to get this done.
  • Sargent Drive New Haven, CT - Long Wharf
    i was disgusted & heartbroken to see so much filth & neglect in the city i now call home. i started from the InfoNewhaven booth, picked up 2 huge bags full of rubbish, realized that there weren't any trash cans around; headed westward, finally found a broken, overflowing, lid-less trash can near the V-memorial. please help.
  • 295 Beach Street West Haven, Connecticut - West Haven

    I believe someone new purchased this property last fall but it is in the worst shape yet. Every window is boarded up, also parts of the roof are falling off and hanging down. This property is right in front of the beach, its a huge eye sore and every time you think West Haven is cleaning up little by little, I drive by this site and forget all of that.

    West haven has published blight codes now, this must be in violation of a number of them. They should have this cleaned up before the summer/beach season.

    Actual homeowners need to keep their properties in good condition, this property should need to be cleaned up too.

  • 1 Harbour Close New Haven, CT, 06519, USA - City Point
    Now, we have 2 fires burning on the harbor, there is so much smoke you can smell it inside the building. It’s dry and windy outside which makes for further fire problems.
    There are also larger groups gathering.