
Problemi aperti: 2 Problemi chiusi: 1 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2013-07-05

Avvisato su

  • Balgowlah Road Manly, New South Wales - Manly
    Despite the 2 giveway signs at this point in the intersection cars mostly do not give way to pedestrians or cyclists crossing here. The Manly Council needs to address this risk issue or accept some shared responsibility if there is a seriously injured person or death as a result of cars not being driven responsibly. The pedestrian refuge a short way up (to the west) on Kenneth Road is an alternative location for a zebra crossing.
  • 1 South Steyne Manly NSW 2095, Australia - Manly
    We want more lights in this area to make it safer
  • 39 White Street Balgowlah, New South Wales - Manly
    The bicycle route sign at this point on the telegraph pole at the south east has been damaged beyond recognition. The way forward is unclear at the end of the White & Lauderdale shared use path