Eagle Glen

Problemi aperti: 3 Problemi chiusi: 1.033 Problemi presi in atto: 6
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2012-07-04

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    1988 Olympia Fields Dr Corona, CA 92883, USA - Corona
    This Suburban has been sitting on the street for months now.
  • Other Archived
    4165 Quake Ridge Dr Corona, California - Corona
    Kids using our fire lane to go to a place refereed to as nirvana...how can we stop this? Do we address it with our homeowners association or? It's a nuisance and they come in car loads, day and night...noisey and leaving trash! Conserned that some illegal activity may be going on and the liability to our association??
  • 2225 Eagle Glen Pkwy Corona CA 92883, United States - Corona
    Graffiti on wall and "no left turn" sign
  • 4013 Paseo La Cresta Corona, CA, 92881, USA - Corona
    Illegal parking and Camping
  • 4272-4298 Bennett Ave Corona, CA, 92883, USA - Corona
    Players are having lessons for 3 hours on Saturday AM while singles and doubles players are waiting for courts. There aren’t any signs posted about rules for time limits while others are waiting. This is a very common problem in our south Corona tennis courts. We need more tennis courts and time limits posted on existing courts.
  • 1797 Keith St Corona CA 92881, United States - Corona
    Another new structure being built off the side of a trailer
  • 7388-7480 El Cerrito Rd Corona, CA, 92881, USA - El Cerrito (Riverside County)
    East Foothill at Bedford Canyon. Far right lane just prior to Bedford Canyon is a turn-right only lane. Cars are supposed to turn right on Bedford Canyon and not proceed straight through the intersection to take the on-ramp to I-15 South. Instead, cars proceed straight and block access for cars in middle lane to cross over to right lane after Bedford Canyon for I-15 access. There used to be cones at Bedford Canyon to ensure that cars turn right but these cones have been removed. Neither does the intersection have a turn right arrow. This intersection is confusing and unsafe. Today and Monday I was nearly rear-ended when I had to stop in the middle lane as cars had proceeded straight through Bedford Canyon and had not turned right as required. In addition, cars on the left lane almost sideswiped me as I attempted to cross over legally. Please bring the cones back to ensure that cars turn right on Bedford Cayon from Foothill. This intersection is not safe.
  • 4255 Eagle Glen Pkwy Corona, CA 92883, USA - Corona
    Park trash can is knocked over and shredded. Can not pick up trash can since padlocked to post. Trash is also spread around park from trash can.
  • Other Archived
    Cajalco Rd Corona CA 92883, United States - Corona
    A lot of trash on the "south side" of Cajalco Rd of the 15 freeway southbound exit at Cajalco Rd
    Trash is strewn all across the basin area as if it was illegally dumped
  • 4190 Bennett Ave Corona CA 92883, United States - Corona
    Both Men's and Women's restrooms have graffiti inside the walls.
  • Other Archived
    4156 Crooked Stick Ln Corona, CA 92883, USA - Corona
    This Toyota truck has been sitting on Black Wolf way for months.
  • 3900–3970 Howe St Corona CA 92881, United States - Corona
    There is a gold Honda accord 4 door abandoned on the corner of Howe St and Wallace St Looks like it's a possible stolen vehicle It’s been there for 3 weeks now Please remove as it's blocking the street Thanks