
  • 40 Colony Road - Edgewood
    This is my second attempt to have the trees in front of my house trimmed. Today a large limb fell across my driveway. Part of that limb is hanging from an adjacent tree and could fall imminently. A couple of weeks ago a very large limb fell from my neighbors tree. Both limbs were large enough to cause death. I need the fallen limbs removed from my property and both of the trees in front of my home inspected. I would like the limbs hanging in the direction of my home to be removed also.
    I am fearful that I or someone else will be seriously injured or killed.
  • Tree Trimming Archiviato
    40 Colony Road New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown

    Recently a very large limb fell from a tree located in front of my neighbors house (46 Colony Road). Fortunately no one was hurt.
    However, the size of the limb could easily have caused serious harm or death to pedestrians or motorists in the area.
    There are several dead limbs on the trees in front of my house
    at 40 Colony and on my neighbors tree (46 Colony). I am requesting that the trees be inspected and the dead or dying limbs be removed from the trees in front of our homes.
