
  • State Highway 10 New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • State Highway 10 New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • 476-504 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • 476-504 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • 476-504 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • 476-504 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    There's some kind of horn that keeps blasting, it's been going on for a half hour so far. Does anybody know what this is?
  • West Park Avenue & Elm Street New Haven, CT - Edgewood
    The other day, I was walking along West Park Avenue and saw two cars in a row drive right through the traffic circle at speed. I don't know why it was installed to be so low, instead of having a curb, but couldn't a railing be installed to prevent this?
  • 485 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    It's better than nothing being plowed, of course, but on Edgewood Ave, only one land is accessible, the second land is buried!
  • Street sign bent Archiviato
    Elm & Ellsworth New Haven, CT - Edgewood
    The Ellsworth street sign on the intersection of Elm and Ellsworth is bent downwards.
  • 554 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, CT - Edgewood
    On a walk on Edgewood Avenue today, I saw a car drive up to the edge of the park, a guy jog up to the woods part, drop something, and walk back to his car.
  • 815 Elm St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    The area at the corner of Elm Street and Ellsworth Avenue is very dark at night. The building has useless lights over the area that do absolutely nothing - a streetlight has to be placed here.
  • 906 Chapel St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
    At the CTTransit station on Chapel Street, cars always pull in to the separate lane for buses. Why not paint the lane and mark that it's clearly for buses only. It can even contribute to making the street look nicer, too, if you use a nice color. If you really want to go for the win - use something like the new material for crosswalks we've got.
  • 50 Union Avenue New Haven, CT - Long Wharf
    I'm sure that along with the grand plans for eventually re-merchandising the train station, a flower stall will be included. Flower stalls in commuter train stations are just so handy! Would it be possible to try attracting somebody to run a flower stall in Union Station? It'd sure be a nice addition.
  • 469 College St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Downtown

    This sign was placed by somebody as a joke. It's stuck on pretty well with aome sticky tack. It's on the southern corner of College and Wall.

    Another thing - instead of pretending we have nice bus signs with the route clearly labled, why don't we make it a reality? :D

  • 804 854 Elm St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood

    The Elm and Ellsworth intersection can be a very un-happy experience for pedestrians at times. The intersection has a blinking light, that many cars ignore and just speed right through. I've stood at the sidewalk, about to cross the street, when a car just drives right on in front of me.

    I don't know how much of an effect it will be, but maybe an in-street pedestrian crossing sign might remind some drivers that I'm crossing the street.

  • 172 Temple St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green

    The Krispy Kreme location in Milford, CT on the Boston Post Rd. was recently closed, I believe. Well, thats obvious, considering the fact that the only business it could get was from anybody driving to the Post Mall. The fact of the matter is that it's a big effort to drive all the way down the Post Rd. for residents of New Haven just for a doughnut.

    Why don't we get a Krispy Kreme location downtown? I'm sure it would receive tons of business from people all over New Haven wanting to get their hands on a tasty treat.

    Let's get a Krispy Kreme in downtown New Haven.

  • 205 Temple St New Haven, CT - Town_Green

    Just today, I had bought a beverage from the convenience store on Temple Street downtown, and headed on over to the green to eat my lunch out in the beautiful day. When I was finished, I scanned the area on the street for a place to recycle my empty bottle, realizing that recycling wasn't possible.

    My idea is that Public Works should estimate the percentage of trash that is bottles and cans around that area, that can be recycled. If the amount is great enough, perhaps a study for a design for new recycling bins downtown should be produced.

    Please vote on the issue!

  • 616 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT - New Haven Police District 10
    Somebody has tagged a part of the bridge on Edgewood Avenue over the park. If somebody could take a picture, that'd be great (I don't live in the area) - it is on the end piece at the Westville side of the bridge, facing the road..
  • 357 State St New Haven, CT - 770 Chapel Big

    The platforms of State Street Station have some helpful digital information signs that are hung on the canopy. They display when the next train is coming, and they've currently haven't displayed anything, I believe, for a very long time.

    Could somebody hit the power button on 'em, please? I've seen some people at the station who could really have used them.

  • 901 Chapel St New Haven, CT - Town_Green
    Just a few days ago I was in Bridgeport and I noticed the attractive / modern looking bus stop signs. Then, I thought of the CTTransit ones here. Perhaps if a project was started to upgrade the current bus stop signs to newer ones, it would first of all look cleaner and nicer, and second of all, perhaps encourage more people to ride the system (because sometimes a sign can influence somebody greatly).