Beatrix Kenny

  • Pothole Archiviato
    Winthrop Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    I hit a damn big pot hole this morning and please send the crew out asap before someone else almost has their tire blown out,
  • Parkside Commons Chelsea, MA - Malden Ward 8
    The water pump for the kids sprinklers is broken and the hand water pump is missing again, The kids love playing with the water features in this park and it is upsetting to see it not working on a hot day.
  • Clark Avenue Chelsea, MA - Chelsea
    I had called DPW to finally sweep up huge pieces of loose pavement pieces that have blanketed the street since the winter. There are huge sections of loose street pavement that should be scraped down and filled.
  • Highland Ave/Gerish Ave Chelsea, MA - Chelsea
    With this park being the gem of the Box district, the City needs to do a better job keeping it clean. The park is filled with litter all the time, black bags, that are intended for dog waste removal, are spread all over the park and adjacent grass area and somebody unfortunately even broke the umbrella in the seating area in the playground.
    And also, the sprinkler feature for the kids runs constantly, it does not shut off as it did last summer. I do not want to imagine how much money is running down the drain, literally.
  • Highland/Grove Street Chelsea, MA - Chelsea
    The grass area surrounding the steps leading from Marlboro Street to Grove street needs to be picked up, there is trash everywhere. Also, many of the bushes the City planted have died and news one should be planted.
  • Chelsea Common Park Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    My kids love spending time at that park, but every year the pump for them to use is broken. The whole water feature takes up so much space in that park and then the kids cannot even use it.
    Please fix it before the summer is over