Surrey Community PIU

Problemi aperti: 181 Problemi chiusi: 92 Problemi presi in atto: 0
  • 12545-12613 110 Ave Surrey, BC V3V 3J7, Canada - Surrey
    Graffiti on wall and barriers
  • 6074 Boundary Dr W Surrey, BC V3X 2A7, Canada - Surrey
  • 12936 74 Ave Surrey, British Columbia, V3W 7J8, CAN - Surrey
    The people who lives in that house just moved in last summer and since they moved in they've been partying, listening to music loudly, inviting people everyday,they take the street parking as different noisy vehicles comes everyday, we do not know who to complain to as they illegaly renting the house?... Somebody need to check this house immediately.
  • 7240 146 Street Surrey, BC V3S 9L8, Canada - Surrey
    I have noticed Inground sprinklers on all morning during the week.
  • 12476 74 Ave Surrey - Surrey
    Unregistered utility trailer full of hazardous garbage. Witnessed a wild animal starting to house under the trailer.
  • 14780 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8Z4, Canada - Surrey
    2 cars pulled up and dumped furniture in the ditch between the road and the golf course. Corner of 78 and 148.
  • OtherApri
    11069–11095 120 St Surrey V3V, Canada - Surrey

    I believe it has been for a couple of weeks now that the City of Surrey and Canadian flags have been flying at half mast at the entrance to the city from King George Boulevard and the Pattullo Bridge (near Scott Rd SkyTrain).

    The BC flag has continued to fly at full mast.

    Please could this be corrected.

  • 15482- 86b Avenue Surrey bc - Surrey
    Unsightly carport /storage and unkept yard.
  • 16698 Fraser Highway Surrey, British Columbia - Surrey
    Dead raccoon between sidewalk and Rona/jysk parking lot.
  • OtherApri
    11331 96 Ave Surrey V3V 1V7, Canada - Surrey
    Garbage illegally dumped on city property
  • 13670 62 Avenue Surrey, British Columbia - Surrey
    Panorama South 62 is being built across the street from my house and last night as well as tonight they are still working and it is after 9pm. The loud booming and banging noises coming from the site is making it hard for my children to sleep.
  • 12009 100 A Ave Surrey, British Columbia, V3V 2Y4, CAN - Surrey
    We would love it if we could walk down the street and not feel like we're not in an American ghetto. That stuff has been there for months.