Surrey Community PIU

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  • 129th And 60th Surrey British Columbia - Surrey
    Could City review parking restrictions in this 2-block area? Dog park visitors don't want to use resident parking but there are so many restrictions. Example: there are two areas on NS of 60th that have wheelchair access ramps cut into side walk in the middle of the street with no areas for chairs to safely cross the street. They seem redundant. Parking restrictions mean no parking within 3m. Concord Security seems to target this area. Not all people are within walking distance of this off-leash park. On the SS of 60th there is a 1/2 block "no stopping" area that also takes away parking options. Nobody can figure out why this space is so long. Please consider making SS restricted area less (if needed at all) and redundant ramps on NS paved over to allow for greater parking options.