Cambridge, MA PIU

Problemi aperti: 828 Problemi chiusi: 123.606 Problemi presi in atto: 1.756
  • 217 Green Street Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - Cambridgeport

    Takes bus 70 on a regular basis from the Green Street Bus Shelter. Since Covid there are a group of people occupying the bus shelters there. They smoke, buy, sell, and use drugs. fight with each other. Pee behind bus shelter while people are there. Outreach workers are not effective.

    9:10 and 6:40 70 bus number outbound has not shown for a few weeks.

    Add a trashcan at the bus shelter.

    People shoplift at Walgreens central square.

    Magazine st and putnam ave bus sign broken outbound.

  • 2333 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02140 - North Cambridge
    Thank you.
  • OtherApri
    7–31 Dickinson St Cambridge 02139, United States - The Port
    Please replace big belly garbage bin with new one in Greene rose heritage field near the Dickinson street side close to the big white structure
  • OtherRiconosciuto
    40 Granite St Cambridge MA 02139, United States - Cambridgeport
    There's a pet waste bag station but no trash barrel, can we have a trash can placed there? There used to be one right under the pet bag box but there's not anymore .
  • Glacken Playground - Cambridge
    This is a nearly daily occurrence: Open trash bins are toppled and scavenged by raccoons and other pests during the night. Please remove the open barrels as we have done for our weekly trash collection from homes throughout the city. These are food buffets for pest rats and other animals. Do we really want to attract rabid raccoons into a tot lot and have children touching raccoon saliva???
  • Rodent SightingRiconosciuto
    448 Broadway Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    Saw a rat at the sidewalk trash bin in front of 448 Broadway at around 10pm on Wed Mar 13.
  • 40 Belmont Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    The inbound 73 bus shelter in front of BB&N is regularly littered with trash. Please install public trash & recycling cans!
  • 225 Brattle St Cambridge MA 02138, United States - West Cambridge
    Cambridge police car blocking bike lane for no reason.
  • Prospect St Cambridge 02139, United States - The Port
    Stop using police to harass bicyclists doing things that numerous studies have indicated actually keep them safer nominally in the name of safety, especially while ignoring the repeated illegal behavior of drivers at the same locations, which, you know, actually kills people.
  • Cambridge 02138 United States - West Cambridge
    The choice to preserve a couple parking spaces immediately next to an enormous parking lot rather than create a continuous bike route was misguided. The new bike lanes force bikers heading East from the Greenway to cross MT Auburn twice in a block, but if you are say trying to get to MT Auburn cemetery you are supposed to cross 3 times in 2 blocks. This is not how you should design bike infrastructure, and it is very clear both parking and turn lanes were prioritized over a sensible bike route.
  • 225–235 Hampshire St Cambridge MA 02139, United States - Mid-Cambridge
    Illegally parked in the bicycle only lane
  • 744 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02139, United States - Mid-Cambridge