Code Compliance PIU

Problemi aperti: 7 Problemi chiusi: 3.440 Problemi presi in atto: 1
  • OtherApri
    17426 Benson Dr S Renton WA 98055, United States - Cascade-Fairwood
    The old West & Sons Towing is at this property. Squatters have taken over the land. The individuals who were trespassed from down the hill are now panhandling on Benson/ Petrovitski and use the building as shelter. They have completely trashed the area. This building has been left since 2019 and is a complete disaster/eyesore. The squatters leave their trash everywhere and harass people for money. The building should be torn down. The fence has been damaged to allow the squatters to go in and out.
  • OtherApri
    18012 120th Ave Se Renton, WA 98058, USA - Cascade-Fairwood
    abandoned house. the neighbor in 18005 uses this property as his personal transfer station. the smell and rodents its attracting is not the best to have. I have a child who has to play in our yard next to this smell he decided to leave behind.
  • OtherRiconosciuto
    1473–1527 Talbot Rd S Renton WA 98055, United States - Renton
    Encampment established Please take action for outreach and remove This area has been repeatedly lived at by transients